Backpacking Checklist:
10 Things I Wish I'd Been Told
When I Started Backpacking
1. The larger the pack, the more things you're gonna throw into it, and the heavier it's going to be.
2. The fear you have around backpacking and going into the wilderness is normal, healthy, and shifts with experience. It's not going to ever fully go away, so get comfy. It will however become one of your most empowering tools going into trips - especially solo ones.
3. Don't waste so much time obsessing over your gear list. It's not about perfection, it's never going to be perfect. 10 years from now you'll still be "dialing" your gear systems because you change, your body changes, and your needs change. Identify what the critical items are to bring and then move on.
4. Splurge on a tent, sleeping bag, and pack. Other items like pricey hiking poles and that fancy t-shirt can wait.
5. Your first aid kit doesn't need to be fancy. Alcohol prep pads, emergency blanket, KT tape, Leukotape, ear plugs.
6. Electrolytes are your BFF.
7. There is no wrong way to hike. If it works for you (and it's not causing any harm + respecting Leave No Trace principles), then you're ALL GOOD.
8. Packing a pack is not rocket science. Do what feels semi-okay. If it's scraping your skin, adjust things. Otherwise, your body will adapt. Onwards!
9. Smile on trail, or don't. Chat with folks, or don't. This is your experience.
10. It's okay to ask for help.
Hungry in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, 2015
Tahoe Rim Trail during a heat wave, 2020
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